Abe Shinzo was born on 21 September 1954 in Tokyo and died on 8 July 2022 in Nara Japan.

Abe Shinzo was born on 21 September 1954 in Tokyo and died on 8 July 2022 in Nara Japan.

Abe Shinzo Became prime minister of japan Two times 2006 -2007 and 2012 -2020.

Abe Shinzo is from the liberal Democratic party.

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Abe Shinzo's height is 1 .75m 

abe Shinzo Spouse name Akie abe 

Japan Abe Shinzo is dead while giving a speech.

Japan Abe Shinzo is dead while giving a speech.

Abe Shinzo born at north western German 

Abe Shinzo's parents was working in Textile industry 

He joins social democratic party while he was student in high school

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