Top 10 richest Countries in the World 

10 BRUNEI - This country's economy and Wealth Depend on Oil

9  MACAO - This country's economy and Wealth Depend on Tourism and Gambling 

8   USA - This country's economy and Wealth Depend on Natural Resources and an infrastructure network 

7  NORWAY - This country's economy and Wealth in hydropower production and export raw material wood fish minerals 

6 United Arab Emirates- This country's economy and Wealth Depend on natural gas and Oil 

5  Switzerland - This country's energy economy provides a lot of revenue in state coffers

4  QATAR - This country's economy and Wealth Depend on Oil

3  Singapure - This country's economy and Wealth Depend on mostly exports of electronic petroleum and chemical materials 

2   IRELAND - this country second richest country in the world 

1   LUXEMBOURG - This country's economy and Wealth Depend on Banking sector